The Committee works closely with Savika to ensure opportunities for criminal intent is limited for the safety of our residents.
Here are a few tips
Use the “meet and greet” – this is available to all residents who contribute towards the road closure and have a dedicated armed response vehicle. If you are arriving home late, please phone Savika Control Room to arrange a meet 15 min before you arrive.
While driving home switch off the radio and do not talk on your cell phone. Keep an eye open for being followed home; this is happening more and more frequently!!!
Always lookout for two or more unknown males on foot or in a vehicle in your immediate environment. Please report suspicious activity to Savika Control room 0861 728 452. Give as much details as possible, description, street, vehicle, colour, registration.
Before entering the driveway, stay alert and focused when entering or exiting your vehicle.
Once you have entered the driveway, do not leave the driveway gate open unnecessarily. Close the gate immediately after you have entered or exited the driveway.
Making sure your alarm, panic button and electric fence is working – please don’t do this by creating false alarms. Follow the standard procedure of phoning the control room and advise your security provider you would like to test your equipment.
Make sure your electric fence is connected to your armed response provider.
It is a well-known fact that criminals know that people are less vigilant during parties and you and your guest may be an easy target. Also keep your panic button close by during the festivities and advise Savika if you need extra patrols if you are having a party and cars are parked outside your house.
Take your own personal security seriously
Illuminating your pavement, entrance and garden areas – criminals love the dark!
Avoiding hiring ‘piece job” laborers off the side of the street. We all know our gardeners and maids may take leave over this season but by hiring temporary staff you do not know, is dangerous to you and your neighbors. Rather see if a friend, family member or neighbor can recommend somebody who they employ to assist you while your staff are on leave.